
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Relationship between projected distribution space of the butterfly Titania fritillary (Boloria titania) and its host plant American bistort (Polygonum bistorta) for 2080

Global change scenarios based on storylines developed within the EUfunded project ALARM (Settele et al., 2005, Spangenberg 2007,

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Projected change in 100-year return level of river discharge between 2071-2100 and the reference period 1961-1990

Simulations with LISFLOOD driven by HIRHAM HadAM3H/HadCM3 based on IPCC SRES scenario A2.

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Soil erosion risk assessment for Europe for the year 2000

The map shows the soil erosion risk assessment for Europe for the year 2000

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Deadwood in Pan-European forests, 1990-2005

In the period 1990-2005, an overall increase in dead wood by about 4.3 % was observed in the pan-European region (EEA, 2009), a sign of more biodiversity-friendly management.

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Wind thrown timber caused by 1999 storms

Storms Lothar and Martin, December 1999

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TERM27 Specific CO2 emissions per passenger-km and per mode of transport in Europe

TREMOVE results refer to 30 EEA member countries (EU-27 plus Norway, Switzerland, Turkey) and Croatia, while TRENDS covers only EU-15.

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Relative gaps (over-delivery or shortfall) between greenhouse gas projections and 2010 targets for new Member States

For Estonia, Hungary and Latvia the projections used in last year's report are used as no new data were available

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EU-15 greenhouse gas emission from transport compared with transport volumes (passenger transport by car and freight transport by road)

This graph shows past (1990-2004) and projected (2010) emissions due to transport, and compares them with transport volumes (passenger transport by car and freight transport by road).

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Local differences in modal shares

Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Malta, Liechtenstein and Cyprus are not included due to lack of data.

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Low and zero-sulphur fuel use (%)

No data available for Bulgaria, Malta and Romania.

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Area of damaged forest and other wooded land by biotic agents

Data: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus (partly), Czech Republic (partly), Estonia, Finland, France (partly), Hungary, Italy, Norway (partly), Portugal (partly), Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey (partly), the United Kingdom

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Increase (%) of accidental capture rates of mammals, birds and turtles in European Seas: Western Mediterranean (WM) and North Sea (NS)

Coverage: WM = West Mediterranean NS= North Sea WestMediterranean time coverage: 1999-2000, N

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Decomposition analysis of the main factors influencing the CO2 emissions from public electricity and heat production between 1990 and 2004

The orange bars show the factors that have an increasing effect on emissions whereas the green bars show the factors that have a reduction effect

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Exposure of agricultural area to ozone (exposure expressed as AOT40 in (mg/m3).h) in EEA member countries, 1996-2005

The target value for protection of vegetation is 18 (mg/m3).h while the long-term objective is set to 6 (mg/m3).h

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Emissions of air pollutants by sector in 2005, EU-27

The graph above shows the emissions of ozone precursors (methane CH4; carbon monoxide CO; nonmethane volatile organic compounds NMVOCs; and nitrogen oxides NOX) each weighted by a factor prior to aggregation to represent their respective tropospheric ozone formation potential (TOFP)

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