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Greenhouse gas emission targets of EU-15 Member States for 2008-2012 relative to base-year emissions under the EU burden-sharing decision

This graph shows the EU-15 Kyoto target and EU-15 Member States' individual reduction targets under the burden sharing agreement, for 2008-2012.

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Total energy consumption and total electricity consumption

Total energy consumption (also called total primary energy supply or gross inland energy consumption) represents the quantity of all energy necessary to satisfy inland consumption

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Net imports of all fuels and CO2 emissions in EU-27 by fuel and origin of the fuel, 2006

The higher level of EU-27 net import dependency in this graph compared to Figure 1 and Figure 2 is due to imports from all fuels and not just hard coal, crude oil and natural gas

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Efficiency (electricity and heat) production from public conventional thermal plants, 1990 and 2005

Efficiency is defined as output divided by total fuel input to public conventional thermal plants

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Agricultural, industrial and household water prices in late 1990s

Median values for range of prices are shown in each category and should be considered as indicative only.

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Share of renewable electricity in gross electricity consumption in EU-27 in 2006 (and 2010 indicative targets)

Large hydro: hydropower stations with a capacity higher than 10 MW

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Phosphorus concentrations in rivers (orthophosphate) between 1992 and 2003 in different regions of Europe

Number of monitoring stations in brackets Western Europe: Austria (103), Denmark (32), France (204), Germany (109), United Kingdom (30)

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