
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Permanent grassland area, EU9

Includes permanent grassland and pasture.

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Internal and external conversions of agriculture 1990-2000

Conversion of arable land to pasture and withdrawal of farming

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Absolute gaps (over-delivery or shortfall) between greenhouse gas projections and 2010 targets for new Member States

For Estonia, Hungary and Latvia the projections used in last year's report are used as no new data were available

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Contribution of renewable energy sources to primary energy consumption in the EU-27, 1990-2006

Contribution of renewable energy sources to primary energy consumption in the EU-27, 1990-2006

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Distance-to-target for EU-27 Member States

The DTI results are shown in red (positive result ie

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Exposure above AOT40 target values for vegetation around rural ozone stations, 2000

Exposure above AOT40 target values for vegetation around rural ozone stations, 2000

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Renewables as a % of final energy consumption by Member State (2005 data)

The targets proposed in EC (2008) are provisional and may be subject to change.

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Emissions of Sulphur in 1995 at 50km resolution (tonnes of S per year)

Notes: Includes emissions from shipping in the North Sea and the north-east Altantic (Lloyd's Register of Shipping [1995]: Marine Exhaust Emission Research Programme

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Trends in winter nitrate and phosphate concentrations, and N/P ratio in coastal waters of the North Atlantic, the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the Mediterranean.

Trend analyses are based on time series 1985-2002 from each monitoring station having at least 3 years data in the period 1995-2002 and at least 5 years data in all

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