
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Actual Turkish water use and projection for 2023

The graph illustrates the current Turkish water use by sector and projections of water use by sectors in 2023.

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Forecast of global water demand

A report by the 2030 Water Resource Group estimates the global demand for water in 2030 and compare it with projections of increasing water supply and reducing demand.

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Migrating fishes — river fragmentation by obstacles for year 1700 and 2005, salmon adult, downstream to upstream

Migrating fishes — river fragmentation by obstacles for year 1700 and 2005, salmon adult, downstream to upstream

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Occurrence of major floods in Europe

Occurrence of major floods in Europe (1998–2009)

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Water exploitation index (WEI).

Annual total water abstraction as a percentage of available long-term freshwater resources around 1990 (WEI-90) compared to latest year available (1998–2007) (WEI-Latest Year).

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Projected shares of global middle-income class consumption, 2000 to 2050

The figure shows the projected shares of global middle-income class consumption

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Global human appropriation of net primary production

This map shows human-appropriated net primary production (HANPP) as a percentage of potential net primary production (NPP)

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Reported noise exposure of more than 55 dB Lden in European agglomerations with more than 250 000 inhabitants based on the results of strategic noise mapping

The figure shows the reported long-term (yearly) average exposure to day-evening-night noise of more than 55 dB in EU-27 agglomerations with more than 250 000 inhabitants

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Conservation status of assessed habitats in EU‑25

- Annex I to the Habitats Directive includes a wide variety of habitats which are divided into nine groups of related habitat types such as forests and grassland. - Between these groups, dune habitats, grasslands and bogs, mires and fens have the worst conservation status.

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Net land-cover changes 2000–2006 in Europe – total area change in hectares and percentage change

The figure shows the net land-cover changes 2000–2006 in Europe, total area change in hectares and percentage change.

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