
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Greenhouse gas emission trend projections and target

The calculations of GHG emission trends, projections and targets include emissions from international aviation and exclude emissions and removals from the LULUCF sector. The 'with existing measures' scenario reflects existing policies and measures, whereas the 'with additional measures' scenario considers the additional effects of planned measures reported by Member States.

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Start of vegetation growing season 2000-2016

The raster files are the time series of the start of the vegetation growing season (day of the year) and the derived linear trends (in day / year). The start of the growing season time-series is based on the time series of the Plant Phenology Index (PPI) derived from the MODIS BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance product (MODIS MCD43 NBAR). The PPI index is optimized for efficient monitoring of vegetation phenology and is derived from the source MODIS data using radiative transfer solutions applied to the reflectance in visible-red and near infrared spectral domains. The start of season indicator is based on calculating the start of the vegetation growing season from the annual PPI temporal curve using the TIMESAT software for each year between and including 2000 and 2016.

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Soil and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Many global policy frameworks, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),directly and indirectly address land and soil. Many of these SGDs cannot be achieved without healthysoils and a sustainable land use. Below is an overview of the SDGs with strong links to soil.

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Integrated HEAT+ based classifications of 'eutrophication status'

Results of classification of Eutrophication Status using the HEAT+ tool. Eutrophication status is evaluated in five classes, where NPAhigh and NPAgood are recognised as ‘non-problem areas’ and PAmoderate, PApoor and PAbad are recognised as ‘problem areas’.

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Annual mean PM2.5 concentrations observed at traffic stations, 2017

The figure shows the annual mean concentrations of particulate matter (PM2.5) observed at traffic stations in 2017.

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Percentile 90.4 of daily mean PM10 concentrations observed at traffic stations, 2017

The map shows the Percentile 90.4 of daily mean PM10 concentrations at traffic stations. This represents the 36th highest value in a complete series. It is related to the PM10 daily limit value, which allows 35 exceedances of the 50 µg/m3 threshold over a 1-year period. Dots in the last two colour categories indicate stations with concentrations above this daily limit value. Only stations for which more than 75 % of data are valid have been included in the map.

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Annual mean NO2 concentrations observed at traffic stations, 2017

The figure shows the annual mean concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) observed at traffic stations in 2017.

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Percentile 90.4 of daily mean PM10 concentrations observed at background stations, 2017

The map shows the Percentile 90.4 of daily mean PM10 concentrations at background stations. This represents the 36th highest value in a complete series. It is related to the PM10 daily limit value, which allows 35 exceedances of the 50 μg/m3 threshold over a 1-year period. Dots in the last two colour categories indicate stations with exceedances of this daily limit value. Only stations for which more than 75 % of data are valid have been included in the map.

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