
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Household consumption expenditure, EU15

constant 1990 prices

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Pan-European marine ecosystems

The assessment in this chapter focuses on the Barents, Baltic, Black, Caspian, Mediterranean, North-East Atlantic, Norwegian and Russian Arctic Seas

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Correlation in growth of passenger transport vs GDP growth

The figure shows the correlation between growth in the economy and growth in passenger transport

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SO2 annual average, 2004

Annual average rural concentration map of SO2 for ecosystems, 2004

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Population density disaggregated with Corine land cover 2000

Raster data on population density using Corine Land Cover 2000 inventory

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Habitats of European interest — conservation status by biogeographical region

How to read the map: in the Mediterranean biogeographical region, about 21 % of habitats are in favourable conservation status, but 37 % are in unfavourable (bad plus inadequate) status.

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Elevation breakdown

Elevation breakdown

15 Nov 2007

The Elevation breakdown is used to allocate land cover changes into homogeneous areas as function of height, slope and distance to the sea

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