
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Demand for plastic versus plastic waste collected by sector in 2018

Collection rates for plastic waste from most non-packaging sources are lower than rates for waste from the packaging sector. This is likely to be the result of the longer lifetime of non-packaging items, which leads to a build-up in homes and businesses of non-packaging plastic stocks-both of products in use and of those no longer in use, but kept in storage.

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Number of high fire danger days in summer in the baseline period (1981-2010) and in 2041-2070 under RCP8.5 scenario

This map shows the number of high fire danger days in summer (June, July, August) in the baseline period (1981-2010) and in 2041-2070 under Representative Concentration Pathways 8.5 (RCP8.5) scenario. This Index is based on the Fire Weather Index (FWI). The index gives the number of days in a given period presenting favourable meteorological conditions to triggering a wildfire. The higher the Index, the higher the risk of wildfire.

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Aridity index: baseline situation and projections under RCP 8.5 scenario

The map shows the baseline situation and projections of annual aridity index under RCP 8.5 scenario. This Index is based on daily precipitation and evapotranspiration and E-HYPE model median ensemble is presented. A higher value indicates reduced soil water availability.

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Share of textiles and shoes in mixed municipal waste

No data available for Türkiye. Waste Composition Analysis (WCA) based on different reference years. ETC CE (2024), Annex 1 indicates the reference year used per country.

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Percentage of seasons with water stress

The map shows the percentage of seasons for which water stress (WEI+ values exceeding 40) were recorded.

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Regional distribution of Climate-ADAPT case studies

The figure shows a snapshot of the coverage of Climate-ADAPT case studies with 123 case studies in total (The case studies collected at national level, provided by, where removed from the list of case studies (value 10)) by March 2024.

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Key future hazards reported in 2023

Future key climate hazards and their qualitative trend as reported by countries under the Governance Regulation - National adaptation actions, split in groups of hazard types and in acute and chronic events.

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History of data reporting performance

The chart shows the countries' reporting performance on the basis of Eionet Core Data Flows since 2005

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Percentage of premature cancer deaths attributable to environmental risks in Europe in 2019

The map shows the proportion of premature deaths from all neoplasms that are attributable to environmental carcinogens considered within the Global Burden of Disease Study

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Number of Member States that met their national emissions reduction commitments for 2020-2029 for the five key pollutants in 2020, and number of Member States that need to reduce their 2020 emission levels to meet their commitments

The figure shows the number of Member States that are below their reduction commitments and the aggregated groups with number of Member States that are above.

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Treatment of textile waste in the EU, 2010-2020, in percentages

The graph illustrates what kind of treatment that textile waste was sent to for the years 2010-2020.

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Ratio of native to alien tree species

The map shows the share of native tree species as compared to alien species in the city of Amsterdam, based on its tree inventory, 2023. A ratio of <1 is considered poor.

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Municipal waste generation per inhabitant in the Western Balkan countries, 2015-2020

The chart shows the development in the generation of municipal waste per inhabitant for the period 2015-2020

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Average levels of carbon storage in the main types of terrestrial and marine habitats

The figure illustrate the average levels of carbon stocks in marine and terrestrial ecosystems.The “x” in the figure represents the average level whereas the green and blue boxes signify the median values and the range is characterised by the individual dots. For further explanation of uncertainties see Box 1. For more detailed information on datasets please use the linked dataset

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Waste water treatment plants equipped with disinfection, 2018

The map shows the urban waste water treatment plants treating more than 2000 population equivalent equipped with different types of disinfection in Europe. The map is based on country reporting under Urban waste water treatment directive (271/91/EEC) in 2020 (reference year 2018).

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Current municipal waste generation vs. three future scenarios

The chart compares the current residual and total municipal waste generation against 3 possible scenarios: 1) Business as usual (with a 3.7 % increase in total municipal waste) while meeting the 60 % recycling target; 2) A solution scenario, with a 3.7 % increase in total municipal waste that would be offset by 73 % recycling rate; 3) A solution scenario in which the 60 % recycling target would be met, and 34 % of total waste would be prevented

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Total municipal waste generated in the EU-27 over period 2004-2020 and projections for period 2018-2030

The chart illustrates the trends in total municipal waste for EU-27 from 2004 to 2020. Moreover, it illustrates the projections for waste generation for 2030, considering two scenarios present at a European Commission report.

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Trend in residual municipal waste for EU-27, and target for 2030

The chart illustrates the trends in residual municipal waste for EU-27 from 2004 to 2020. Moreover, it shows the non-binding target of residual waste for 2030 (and the corresponding necessary trend line to achieve such target)

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