EU 2010 biodiversity baseline — adapted to the MAES typology (2015)

This report presents a revised overview of the EEA's EU 2010 biodiversity baseline report. The revision is necessary because the typology of ecosystems used in the 2010 report has since been altered by a working group of biodiversity experts. The revised report provides the relevant facts and figures on the state and trends of the different biodiversity and ecosystem components recalculated to align with the new typology of ecosystems.

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Overview of climate change adaptation platforms in Europe

As adaptation policy progresses in Europe, it is increasingly important, that people have access to relevant and high quality information. A broad range of users consider web-based adaptation platforms an effective means of collecting and sharing experiences and knowledge to interested stakeholders including policymakers, practioners and the general public. The report provides an overview on the state of play of most adaptation platform in Europe including 14 national adaptation platforms. It offers information on the scope, history, targeted users, the selection and presentation of knowledge, the links to other topics, scales and platforms as well as the monitoring and evaluation of the platforms. It also analyses existing and potential links of the platforms to climate services and Disaster risk reduction (DRR) platforms.

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Application of the EU Emissions Trading Directive

Analysis of national responses under Article 21 of the EU ETS Directive in 2014

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ENPI-SEIS East Region Synthesis (flyer)

Building a Shared Environmental Information System with the Eastern Partnership countries.

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ENPI-SEIS East Region Synthesis Report

Building a Shared Environmental Information System with the Eastern Neighbourhood: The analysis presented in this synthesis report has streamlined the information requirements of six countries and their capacities to put solutions in place to meet these requirements.

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The European environment — state and outlook 2015 — synthesis report

The synthesis report informs future European environmental policy in general and its implementation between 2015 and 2020 in particular. It includes a reflection on the European environment in a global context, as well as chapters summarising the state of, trends in, and prospects for the environment in Europe.

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Mid-term evaluation report on INSPIRE implementation

The INSPIRE Directive, which came into force in 2007 and is expected to be fully implemented by 2020, aims to establish a European Spatial Data Infrastructure in order to support policy making by providing more and better spatial data. The following report analyses the state of implementation of the Directive at the mid-point of its implementation. The conclusions of the report suggest that INSPIRE implementation is on track, however, certain actions - especially coordination and data sharing – would benefit from strategic adjustment.

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Monitoring CO2 emissions from passenger cars and vans in 2013

This report presents final data for both vehicle types, updating preliminary data published earlier in 2014.

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Monitoring CO2 emissions from new passenger cars in the EU: summary of data for 2013

The EEA has collected EU Member States' data on passenger car registrations, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 443/2009. All Member States reported information on Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and the mass of cars, together with other vehicle characteristics. This data was used to evaluate the performance in 2013 of the new vehicle fleet, and its progress toward meeting the CO2 emissions target of 130 grams of CO2 per kilometre (gCO2/km) by 2015. The current dataset is provisional, and will now be sent for verification to all car manufacturers responsible for cars registered in the EU in 2013.

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Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2012

Data reported by companies on the production, import and export of fluorinated greenhouse gases in the European Union

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Assessment of cost recovery through pricing of water

The main objective of this study is to provide practical knowledge on the current status of the implementation of key principles of Article 9 of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), and in particular on the cost‑recovery principle.

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Towards a green economy in Europe - EU environmental policy targets and objectives 2010…-2050

The 'green economy' has emerged as a priority in policy debate in recent years. But what does the concept mean in practice and how can decision-makers measure progress towards this strategic goal? This report provides some answers, presenting a detailed overview of the key objectives and targets in EU environmental policy and legislation for the period 2010…2050. It focuses on selected environmental and resource policy areas, specifically: energy; greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and ozone-depleting substances; air quality and air pollution; transport sector emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants; waste; water; sustainable consumption and production (SCP); chemicals; biodiversity and land use.

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EU emission inventory report 1990-2011 under the UNECE Convention on LRTAP

This document is the annual European Union (EU) emission inventory report under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) (UNECE, 1979). The report and its accompanying data are provided as an official submission to the Executive Secretary of UNECE by the European Commission on behalf of the EU as a party. The report is compiled by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in cooperation with the EU Member States.

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Air Implementation Pilot - Lessons learnt from the implementation of air quality legislation at urban level

Almost three quarters of Europeans live in cities. The air quality in our cities is therefore of significant importance to the health of Europeans. Considerable progress has been made in the past twenty years in improving urban air quality, but issues remain. A number of different air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, and ozone remain above regulated levels, posing a threat to human health. This report describes a European pilot project to help identify and address the reasons underlying this 'gap' in implementation of air quality policy in 12 European cities, and thereby draw lessons of wider relevance.

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Results and lessons from implementing the Water Assets Accounts in the EEA area

These are the first EU-level water accounts that display water balances at monthly and sub-basin levels. EEA developed these accounts in the hope that the many data gaps and methodological imperfections will be ironed out in the future.

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Adaptation in Europe - Addressing risks and opportunities from climate change in the context of socio-economic developments

This report provides policymakers across Europe, at different levels of governance and stages of policy formulation, with information that can be used to support adaptation planning and implementation. Specific parts of the report are therefore targeted at different audiences.

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EEA Signals 2013 - Every breath we take

Improving air quality in Europe: Signals 2013 focuses on Europe’s air. This year’s edition tries to explain the current state of air quality in Europe, where they come from, how air pollutants form, and how they affect our health and the environment. It also gives an overview of the way we build our knowledge on air, and how we tackle air pollution through a wide range of policies and measures.

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Managing municipal solid waste - a review of achievements in 32 European countries

Improved waste management is an essential element in efforts to make Europe more resource efficient. One key means of achieving that is by shifting waste management up the waste hierarchy. In recent years these important goals have been integrated into European environmental policy. But national efforts to shift up the waste hierarchy have been under way for longer. Together, these instruments establish a range of waste management targets and broader goals for the years to 2020.

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Environmental pressures from European consumption and production

A study in integrated environmental and economic analysis - This report, prepared within the broad framework of EEA work on environmental accounts, presents and describes the tool of environmentally extended input-output analysis and illustrates its potential uses. The report aims to: present the tool of environmentally extended input-output analysis of EE-IOT and assess its potential for answering key SCP policy questions; make use of the tool and the latest data available in Europe to identify the environmental 'hotspots' and leverage points in European consumption and production; and identify weaknesses and potential for improvement in the current application of the tool.

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Monitoring CO2 emissions from new passenger cars in the EU: summary of data for 2011

For the second year, the EEA has collected Member States' data on passenger car registrations, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 443/2009 (CO2 from cars). All Member States reported information on CO2 emissions and the mass of cars, together with other vehicle characteristics. This data was used to evaluate the performance in 2011 of the new vehicle fleet, and its progress toward meeting the CO2 emissions target of 130 gCO2/km by 2015.

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