
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Spatial pattern of net land take in EEA-39 in the period 2000-2018

Net land take as a result of urban sprawl is measured from the Copernicus Corine Land Cover dataset between 2000-2018. The map shows for each grid cell the area in km² which was covered with sealed surfaces. For visualisation land take data is presented in a 10km grid.

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Percentage of water bodies, not in good chemical status, with uPBT, per river basic district.

Surface water bodies failing to achieve good chemical status, by RBDs with uPBTs.

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Arable land and permanent crops gains and losses between 2000 and 2018

This map shows the loss and gain of arable land and permanent crops. Changes are monitored at 1 ha level whereas the map is aggregated in a 10 km2 grid.

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Years of life lost (YLL) per 100 000 inhabitants attributable to exposure to PM2.5 in European countries (2016)

The map shows the number of years of life lost per 100 000 inhabitants attributable to exposure to PM2.5. Countries are ranked in quintiles.

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Fragmentation increase in Europe during 2009-2015

The map shows the difference of the years 2015 and 2009 and presents the increase in fragmentation in that period. The original 100m values were resampled to a 5 km grid for visualisation purposes.

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Percentage of water bodies, not in good chemical status, without uPBT, per river basic district.

Surface water bodies failing to achieve good chemical status, by RBDs without uPBTs.

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Observed trends in maximum annual five-day consecutive precipitation in winter and summer

The figure shows the observed trend in maximum annual five day precipitation over Europe between 1960 and 2018 for Winter (December-January-February) and Summer (June-July-August). The change is expressed in mm/decade. Grid boxes outlined in solid black contain at least three stations and so are likely to be more representative of the grid box. Significant (at the 5% level) long-term trend is shown by a black dot.

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Total number of existing and planned policies and measures reported in the EU-28 (left) and by country (right)

Total number of existing and planned policies and measures reported by countries in 2015, 2017, 2019

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