
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Recorded hydropower plants in Europe

The figure shows the number of existing, under construction and planned hydropower plants by size categories (installed megaWatts) in Europe.

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Man-made river barriers in Europe included in the AMBER Atlas

The figure shows a compilation of 630,000 unique barrier records from existing datasets.

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Percentage emission reductions compared with 2019 levels required by EU Member States to meet their emission reduction commitments for 2020-2029 and 2030 onwards

The figure shows the difference of the 2019 emission levels compared to the emission reduction commitments of 2020-2029, 2030 and onwards. Emissions in 2019 are compared to the reduction commitments and the distance to the reduction commitment is the distance to target expressed as a percentage difference.

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Fuel Quality Directive

By 31st of August each year the Member States must submit a summary of fuel quality monitoring data collected during the period January to December of the previous calendar year, in accordance with Article 8(1) of Directive 98/70/EC as amended by Directive 2009/30/EC. The delivery process is managed by EEA.

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 Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) facilities in the EU

The map describes the number LNG facilities available in the EEA area. The graph describes the number of ports equipped with LNG facilities in the EU and the total number of LNG facilities available.

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Number of ports and OPS facilities in the EU (updated to December 2020)

The map describes the number OPS facilities available in the EEA area. The graph describes the number of ports equipped with OPS facilities in the EU and the total number of OPS facilities available.

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NOx emissions from shipping in European Seas

This map reports the NOx emissions from ships in sea areas of the EU (calculated as NO2) during the year 2019

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Probability of whale occurrence and collision risk index in Europe's seas

The maps display the probability of whale occurrence (left) and the ship/whales collision risk index (right) in Europe’s seas.

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 Links of European ports affected by ESL increase according to RCP8.5

The map illustrates the secondary effects of the disruption of European port operations as a result of the projected increase of ESL until 2100. It is based on information on connections of container ports. The size of the pies represent the total number of connections or port calls and the coloured pieces of the pies represent the part of the total connections to ports exposed to different levels of ESL increases.

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Difference of SOx emissions from shipping in European Seas

The map indicates the changes in ship SOx emissions, 2019 minus 2014 situation. The numerical values reported in the map are tonnes of SO2 per each grid cell of 0.05 by 0.1 deg (lat x lon)

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 Oil spills detected in 2019 and confirmed as mineral oil or as other substance

The map shows the mineral oil and other substance detections confirmed by CleanSeaNet users in 2019 as inserted into the system by 07 Januray 2020

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Shipping Density map in the Baltic region and ambient noise including both natural and anthropogenic components of underwater noise

The left map shows the ship density of the Baltic Sea based on AIS and VMS data. The colour scale is presented in log10 for clarity. The data is for the whole year of 2014 and includes all categories of ships. The right map shows the median value of the sound pressure level for the 125 Hz 1/3-octave band. Elevated sound pressure levels are noted in the red areas where the shipping density is high. The sound pressure level was determined as an average over the entire water column.

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Underwater noise shipping footprint in the Baltic region and hearing loss factor for the marine species in the Baltic region

The maps shows the emergence level of shipping noise above natural noise (left) and the loss of hearing range of marine species caused by shipping (right) (125 Hz, percentile 50).

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Non-indigenous species (NIS) of high impact introduced by shipping (as a primary or secondary pathway)

The map displays, by marine ecoregion, the NIS of high impact introduced by maritime transport, as a primary or secondary pathway.

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PM2.5 emissions from shipping in European Seas

This map reports the PM2.5 emissions from ships in sea areas of the EU during the year 2019

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Ecological status of surface waters in Europe

The Water Framework Directive aims to achieve good status for all rivers, lakes and transitional and coastal waters in the EU. Achieving good ecological status for surface waters is critical to this. According to countries’ second river basin management plans, good ecological status had been achieved for around 40% of surface waters (rivers, lakes and transitional and coastal waters) by 2015. However, these plans show only limited improvement in ecological status since the first plans were published in 2009, with ecological status remaining similar for most water bodies.

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