
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Soil moisture deficit during the vegetation growing season, annual time-series, 2000-2019

The dataset consists of a collection of annual soil moisture (SM) anomalies during the vegetation growing season (GS) for the years 2000-2019 across EEA 38 area and the United Kingdom. The vegetation growing season is defined by EEA´s phenology data series "Vegetation growing season length 2000-2016" []. The anomalies are calculated based on the European Commission's Joint Research Centre European Drought Observatory (EDO) Soil Moisture Index (SMI) with respect to the 1995–2019 base period. The yearly start and end of GS periods are dynamic and calculated according to the EEA Phenology Indicators. A positive anomaly indicates that the observed SM was wetter than the long-term SM average for the base period, while a negative anomaly indicates that the observed SM was drier than the reference value. Because SM anomalies are measured in units of standard deviation from the long-term SMI average, they can be used to compare annual deficits/surplus of SM between geographic regions. EDO is one of the early warning and monitoring systems of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service. As the dataset builds on EDO's SMI, it therefore contains modified Copernicus Emergency Management Service information (2019).

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Country profiles - greenhouse gases and energy 2020

This dashboard presents country profiles containing key data on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, renewable energy and energy efficiency for each EU Member State. These country profiles support and complement the assessment of progress towards climate and energy targets in Europe.

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Economic losses from climate-related extremes in Europe

Between 1980 and 2019, climate-related extremes caused economic losses totalling an estimated EUR 446 billion in the EEA member countries. Although analysing trends in economic losses is difficult, partly as a result of high variability from year to year, climate-related extremes are becoming more common and, without mitigating action, could result in even greater losses in the coming years. The EU adaptation strategy aims to build resilience and ensure that Europe is well prepared to manage the risks and adapt to the impacts of climate change, thus minimising economic losses and other harms.

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Maximum ozone hole area

The ozone hole is a region of exceptionally depleted ozone in the stratosphere over the Antarctic. All figures are in million square kilometres.

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Nationally designated terrestrial protected areas in Europe

The area and number of terrestrial protected areas in Europe have grown steadily over time, with the biggest increases in recent decades. In 2020, protected areas covered 26 % of EU land, with 18 % designated as Natura 2000 sites and 8 % as other national designations. In the EEA-38 countries plus the United Kingdom, this coverage is lower and amounts to 23 %. Further expansion of terrestrial protected areas will be needed to achieve the target of legally protecting a minimum of 30 % of EU land, as set out in the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030.  The designation of protected areas is not in itself a guarantee of biodiversity conservation. Effective management requires building a coherent and well-connected network of protected areas with clearly defined conservation objectives and measures. 

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Conservation status of habitats under the EU Habitats Directive

At the EU level, only 15 % of habitat assessments have a good conservation status, with 81 % having poor or bad conservation status. Grasslands, dunes, and bog, mire and fen habitats show strong deteriorating trends, while forests have the most improving trends. The EU is not on track to meet the 2020 target of improving the conservation status of EU protected species and habitats. At the EU Member State level, the majority of assessments indicate a low number of habitats with a good conservation status. Intensive agriculture, urban sprawl and pollution are the top reported pressures to habitats.

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Hydrofluorocarbon phase-down in Europe

After increasing for 13 years, fluorinated greenhouse gas (F-gas) emissions in the EU decreased for the first time in 2015, and fell by 5 % in 2018 compared to 2017. This can be partly attributed to the EU-wide hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) phase-down set out in the F-gas Regulation, which aims to reduce F-gas emissions and mitigate global warming. HFCs account for the majority of F-gas emissions and the EU is on track to meet targets and phase down HFC use by 2030. It is also on track to meet its international obligation to reduce HFC consumption, in effect since 2019, under the Montreal Protocol.

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Total economic losses (1980-2019)

Impacts of extreme weather and climate related events in the EEA member countries.

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Economic losses per km2 (1980-2019)

Impacts of extreme weather and climate related events in the EEA member countries.

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Economic losses insured (1980-2019)

Impacts of extreme weather and climate related events in the EEA member countries and the UK.

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Economic losses insured (1980-2019)

Impacts of extreme weather and climate related events in the EEA member countries and the UK

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Global and European sea level rise

Global mean sea level (GMSL) has risen about 19 cm since 1900, at an accelerating rate. GMSL reached its highest value ever in 2019. Climate models project a GMSL rise during the 21st century that will likely be in the range of 0.29-0.59 m for a low emissions scenario and 0.61-1.10 m for a high one. GMSL projections that include the possibility of faster disintegration of the polar ice sheets predict a rise of up to 2.4 m in 2100 and up to 15 m in 2300. Most coastal regions in Europe have experienced an increase in sea level relative to land, except for the northern Baltic coast.

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Atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations

The total concentration of all greenhouse gases and other forcing agents, including cooling aerosols, reached 457 parts per million CO 2 equivalents in 2018. If this concentration continues to increase at the present decadal rate, concentrations could, in the next few years, exceed the peak level that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states should not be exceeded if — with a 67 % likelihood — the global temperature increase is to be limited to 1.5 o C above pre-industrial levels by the end of the century. The peak concentrations corresponding to a temperature increase of 2 o C could be exceeded before 2034.

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Arctic and Baltic sea ice

Arctic sea ice is declining rapidly. Since 1979, the Arctic has lost, on average, an area of 79 000 km 2 of sea ice per year in summer and 33 000 km 2 per year in winter. The Arctic summer sea ice area in 2020 was the second lowest ever. Arctic sea ice is also getting younger and thinner. A nearly ice-free Arctic sea in summer is projected to be a rare event for 1.5 °C of global warming but the norm for 2.5 °C of warming. The maximum sea ice extent in the Baltic Sea has shown a decreasing trend since about 1800 and reached its lowest value ever in winter 2019/20. This decreasing trend is projected to continue.

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Conservation status of habitats at Member State level, 2013-2018

The figure shows the conservation status of habitats at Member State level. Statistics are based on the number of habitat assessments at Member States′ biogeographical/marine level. The number of assessments per Member State is indicated in parentheses. The total number of assessments is 3 246.

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Economic losses per person (1980-2019)

Impacts of extreme weather and climate related events in the EEA member countries and the UK.

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Conservation status of habitats at EU level, 2013-2018

The figure shows the conservation status of habitats at EU level. Statistics are based on the number of EU habitats assessments (818)

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