
Global search on data, maps and indicators

93.2 percentile of O3 maximum daily 8-hour mean in 2018

Observed concentrations of O3 in 2018. The map shows the 93.2 percentile of the O3 maximum daily 8-hour mean, representing the 26th highest value in a complete series. It is related to the O3 target value. At sites marked with dots in the last two colour categories, the 26th highest daily O3 concentrations were above the 120 μg/m3 threshold, implying an exceedance of the target value threshold. Please note that the legal definition of the target value considers not only 1 year but the average over 3 years. Only stations with more than 75 % of valid data have been included in the map.

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Annual mean PM2.5 concentrations in 2018

Observed concentrations of PM2.5 in 2018. The possibility of subtracting contributions to the measured concentrations from natural sources and winter road sanding/salting has not been considered. Dots in the last two colour categories indicate stations reporting concentrations above the EU annual limit value (25 μg/m3). Dots in the first colour category indicate stations reporting values below the WHO AQG for PM2.5 (10 μg/m3). Only stations with more than 75 % of valid data have been included in the map.

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90.4 percentile of PM10 daily concentrations in 2018

Observed concentrations of PM10 in 2018. The map shows the 90.4 percentile of the PM10 daily mean concentrations, representing the 36th highest value in a complete series. It is related to the PM10 daily limit value, allowing 35 exceedances of the 50 μg/m3 threshold over 1 year. Dots in the last two colour categories indicate stations with concentrations above this daily limit value. Only stations with more than 75 % of valid data have been included in the map. The possibility of subtracting contributions to the measured concentrations from natural sources and winter road sanding/salting has not been considered.

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Natura 2000 Network (terrestrial and marine areas)

The map shows the Natura 2000 sites (version 2018) for EU28 countries.

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Spatial diversity of species covered by the Habitats Directive (marine species are excluded)

The map shows the number of terrestrial ART17 species reports per 10x10km GRID cells (2013-2018)

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Spatial distribution of species conservation status at Member State level represented in a 10 x 10 km grid

The map shows an index of conservation status of species calculated on a 10 x 10 km distribution grid

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Spatial distribution of habitats conservation status at Member State level represented in a 10 x 10 km grid

The map shows an index of habitat conservation status calculated on a 10 x 10 km distribution grid.

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Spatial distribution of species conservation status trends at Member State level represented in a 10 x 10 km grid

The map shows an index of conservation status trends of species calculated on a 10 x 10 km gristribution grid

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The maximum WBGT [°C] during a hot summer day in the Antwerp city centre

The map shows the maximum WBGT values; those exceeding 25 °C indicate heat stress. Locations with trees and/or water surfaces are the coolest, whereas the highest heat stress values are found over paved squares and streets where there is no shading.

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Number of reported breeding taxa per country

This map is a cartogram that distorts the geometry of regions to convey specific information by resizing. Here, the size of the country shows the number of reported species in relation to the country size. The map do not show all species appearing in a country. Thus, the map shows the reporting result rather than the species diversity of a country. The box on the bottom left refers to the Macaronesian islands (Azores, Madeira and Canary islands). Romania has not reported and is therefore not included in the map.

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Places where respondents feel bad due to excessive heat, 2018

This map shows the places where respondents feel bad due to excessive heat in Prage in 2018.

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Average climate suitability map for the tiger mosquito for the city of Ljubljana based on climate data for 2008-2009

Average climate suitability map for the tiger mosquito for the city of Ljubljana (Slovenia) based on climate data for the years 2008-2009

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Bathing water quality in Albania in 2015 (left) and 2019 (right)

Map is divided into two frames; left frame shows the achieved bathing water quality in Albania in 2015 whereas the right frame shows the achieved bathing water quality in 2019. Bathing water locations (points) are colored in accordance to achieved quality class: Excellent (dark blue), Good (blue), Sufficient (light blue), Poor (red). If not enough samples for quality classification are available, status Not classified (grey) is applied.

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Bathing waters in the Guadalupe Island

Map shows achieved bathing water quality on Guadalupe Island in 2018 as well as bathing waters affected by IRMA cyclone (green diamond) and Sargassum algae (pink diamond). Bathing water locations (points) are coloured in accordance to achieved quality class: Excellent (dark blue), Good (blue), Sufficient (light blue), Poor (red). If not enough samples for quality classification are available, status Not classified (grey) is applied.

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NO2 annual mean in 2018

The map represents the calculated concentrations of NO2 (annual mean) combining monitoring data with results from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) chemical transport model and other supplementary data.

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PM2.5 annual mean in 2018

The map represents the calculated concentrations of PM2,5 (annual mean) combining monitoring data with results from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) chemical transport model and other supplementary data.

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Years of life lost per 100 000 population attributable to PM2.5 and NO2 (2018)

The maps show the number of years of life lost per country attributable to air pollution (PM2.5 left and NO2 right).

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Patterns by county

Patterns by county

08 Sep 2020

The maps show the variations in green urban spaces, self-reported health and deprivation by county.

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Spatial distribution of exposure to NO2 across Europe, mapped for the NUTS 3 regions, 2013-2014

The colour gradient shows the population-weighted average by NUTS 3 region for the years 2013 and 2014.

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