
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Living well within planetary limits - bridging the gap between science and policy

Planetary boundaries are adapted from Rockström et al. (2009). Many United Nations, regional and EU policies address the risks of transgressing these boundaries. Policies for addressing the 'novel entities' boundary, i.e. hazardous substances, pharmaceuticals, etc., in Europe, are illustrated to the right and set in the context of the 7th EAP, i.e. 'living well, within limits' (EEA, 2018a). BSAP, Baltic Sea Action Plan; WFD, Water Framework Directive; SDG, Sustainable Development Goal; REACH, Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restrictions of Chemicals (Regulation); WSSD, World Summit on Sustainable Development; MSFD, Marine Strategy Frameworkd Directive.

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Shares of total losses in terms of cumulative GDP (1980-2017)

Impacts of extreme weather and climate related events in the EEA member countries.

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Number of fatalities (1980-2017)

Impacts of extreme weather and climate related events in the EEA member countries.

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State of bathing waters in 2019

This map shows bathing water locations and their quality for the latest as well as previous bathing seasons. All symbols are coloured according to achieved quality status in the most recent season. Data are presented on two levels: country (less detailed scales) and bathing water (more detailed scales).

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BEAT+ Integrated classification of biodiversity condition in Europe’s seas

The BEAT+ tool builds on the EEA assessment tools developed and applied in the context of assessing the degree of contamination (CHASE+), eutrophication (HEAT+) and biodiversity (BEAT+) in Europe's seas. BEAT+ makes use of the same data sets and threshold values used in these assessments but recombines these in a new framework that addresses 'biodiversity condition'.

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Combined effects of human activities and pressures

The potential combined effects of human activities and pressures on marine species and habitats were estimated using the method for assessment of cumulative effects, for the entire suite of pressures and a selected set of marine species groups and habitats by an index (Halpern et al. 2008). The spatial assessment of combined effects of multiple pressures informs of the risks of human activities on the marine ecosystem health.

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The condition of Europe’s seas is a direct function of the intensity of human activities

The chart compares the results of the Cumulative Effect Assessment with the results of the Ecosystem Health Status (MESH+) Assessment and EU Water Framwork Directive ecological status (2016).

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Temporal development of the Lusitanina/Boreal species ration

The map shows the temporal development of the Lusitanina/Boreal species ration, 1972 and 2016

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Mapping of contamination 'problem'- and 'non-problem' areas in Europe's seas

The map shows the results of classification of Contamination Status using the CHASE+ tool. The contamination status is classified as ‘non-problem areas’ or ‘problem areas’.

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Mapping of eutrophication 'problem'- and 'non-problem' areas in European seas

The map shows the results of classification of Eutrophication Status using the HEAT+ tool. Eutrophication status is classified as ‘non-problem areas’ or ‘problem areas’.

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 Integrated classification of biodiversity condition in Europe’s seas

The map identifies problem vs. non-problem areas for biodiversity in Europe's seas by identifying the worst case index value calculated by the BEAT+ tool for those biodiversity components where indicators were available. The status is evaluated in five classes, where High and Good are recognised as ‘non-problem areas’ and Moderate, Poor and Bad are recognised as ‘problem areas’

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Forest land cover change in the EEA-39, 2000-2018

The map shows the loss and gain of forests aggregated in a 10 km grid. Units are in ha/km2. The following CLC classes were used: Consumption of transitional woodland (LCF71), Consumption caused by forest and shrub fires (LCF92), Consumption caused by forest management (LCF74), Afforestation (LCF72), Forest-internal conversion (LCF71, LCF73 and part of LCF74), Withdrawal of farming with woodland creation (LCF61), Total formation of forest.

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Spatial pattern of land take in the EEA-39, 2000-2018

Land take as a result of urban sprawl is measured from the Copernicus Corine Land Cover dataset between 2000-2018. The map shows for each grid cell the area in km2 which was converted to urban areas. For visualization land take data is presented in a 10km grid. The original data which statistics are derived from is from the 100m spatial resolution CLC dataset series.

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Arable land and permanent crops land cover change in the EEA-39, 2000-2018

The map shows the loss and gain of arable land and permanent crops aggregated in a 10 km grid. The following CLC classes were used: 211 Non-irrigated arable land, 212 Permanently irrigated land, 213 Rice fields, 221 Vineyards, 222 Fruit trees and berry plantations, 223 Olive groves, 241 Annual crops associated with permanent crops.

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Vegetation productivity loss under drought impact by land cover and countries (2000-2016, EEA-39)

Yearly vegetation productivity during 2000-2016 are analyzed in areas under drought pressure, measured as precipitation shortages and low soil moisture content. Vegetation productivity values are disaggregated and detailed by year and by detailed land cover categories. Strong negative values indicate strong drought intensity, with vegetation productivity values lower than the long term average normal condition. Scroll down to the More information section for further details.

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Trends in annual temperature across Europe between 1960 and 2018

Boxes outlined in solid black contain at least three stations and so are likely to be more representative of the grid. A significant (at the 5 % level) long-term trend is shown by a black dot. Stations available in the European Climate Assessment and Datasets (ECA&D) (with different lengths of records) for daily maximum and minimum temperature.

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