
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Average annual change in soil sealing, 2006-2015

The map shows the percentage of the average annual change in soil sealing for each of the rectangular 10 km x 10 km grid cells, over the 2006-2015 period

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Imperviousness density in 2015

The map shows the density of soil sealing in 2012, based on a 10 km2 reference grid. Green and light orange colors show areas with no or very limited sealing, while red and dark red colors show highly to fully sealed grid cells (mainly urban areas).

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Imperviousness and imperviousness change in Europe

For the reference year 2015 ,  85 861 km 2   of the total area covered by the  EEA-39 countries were mapped and categorised as 'sealed surface' in the Copernicus imperviousness product. This corresponds to 1.466 % of the total EEA-39 area. Between 2006 and 2015, soil sealing (imperviousness) in all EEA-39 countries increased  by a total of 3 859 km2 , an annual average increase of 429 km 2 . During this period, the average annual increase in soil sealing relative to country area varied from 0 % to 0.088 %. In 2015, the percentage of a countries' total area that was sealed also varied greatly, with values ranging from 16.17 % (Malta) to 0.07 % (Iceland). The highest sealing values, as a percentage of country area, occurred in small countries with high population densities, while the lowest sealing values can be found in large countries with low population densities. The average annual increase in sealing was 460 km 2 between 2006-2009, increasing to 492 km 2 for the 2009-2012 period and slowing to 334 km 2 for the 2012-2015 period. The slow-down in the sealing increase between the two reference  periods occurred in 31 out of 39 countries. The same trend is visible for sealing figures normalised by the size of the country (the % of the country newly sealed on average annually for the three periods). The most problematic situation occurs in countries where there is already a high percentage of sealing and where the annual rate of increase relative to country area is high. Even more problematic are situations where, for 2012-2015,  the rate of sealing increase is accelerating, in contrast to the general trend of a slowing rate of increase.  

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WISE Water Framework Directive Database

The WISE Water Framework Directive database contains data from the 1st and 2nd River Basin Management Plans reported by EU Members States, Norway and the United Kingdom according to article 13 of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The database includes information about surface water bodies (number and size, water body category, ecological status or potential, chemical status, significant pressures and impacts, and exemptions) and about groundwater bodies (number and size, quantitative status, chemical status, significant pressures and impacts, and exemptions). The information is presented by country, river basin district (RBD) and river basin district sub-unit (where applicable).

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Trend in runoff during the driest month of the year in Europe (1951-2015)

"Driest month" refers to the month with the lowest river flow in each year. The computation of trends follows the methodology described in Gudmundsson et al. (2019, doi:10.1029/2018gl079725). Analysis is based on the E-RUN data set (Gudmundsson & Seneviratne, 2016, doi:10.5194/essd-​8-279-2016).

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Trend in the frequency of meteorological droughts in Europe (1950-2015)

Hatching indicates the areas in which the trends are statistically significant at the 95 % percent level.

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Information related to Annex II species

This dashboard provides numbers of Annex II species being nationally hunted

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Data completeness and quality

This dashboard provides basic statistics on data quality and completeness of the Member states’ reports

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Conservation measures

Conservation measures

18 Mar 2020

This dashboard provides information on the need, purpose and location of conservation measures

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Natura 2000 coverage

Natura 2000 coverage

18 Mar 2020

This dashboard provides information on the share of bird species that occurs inside the Natura 2000 network as well as on their population trends inside the Natura 2000 network

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Main pressures and threats

This dashboard provides information about pressures and threats acting on birds, sorted by their level of importance.

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Implementation of international species plans

This dashboard provides information at the national level on the implementation and the effectiveness of international species plans and of management plans for huntable bird species.

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Winter population trends

This dashboard provides information at the national level on winter population trends of bird species.

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Breeding population and distribution trends

This dashboard provides information at the national level on breeding population and distribution trends of bird species. It also includes the master list of bird species reported by Member States.

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Number of bird species / populations per Member State

This dashboard provides information on the number of bird species reported by each Member state.

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General information on Natura 2000 network

This dashboard provides information on the numbers and surface area of Natura 2000 sites and associated legal measures in place per Member State as well as information on research on bird populations. For official count of number of sites and their areas and EU area statistic please refer to the Natura 2000 barometer.

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