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Nominal and real fuel prices (EU-27) (EUR/litre)

* real prices are indexed to 2005.

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Trends and targets: EU-27 GHG emissions

Graph with two lines showing total GHG emissions for transport (including intl. Aviation) and international maritime transport. 2030 and 2050 target reductions also shown as dotted lines.

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Mega Tonnes of Oil Equivalent (MTOE) used by transport mode (EEA-30)

Graph with two lines showing total oil delivered fuels for transport including intl. Aviation and international maritime transport. 2050 implicit target reductions also shown as dotted line.

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Change in emissions by transport sub-sector for NOX (top) and PM2.5 (bottom) (EEA‑32)

Transport emissions of PM2.5 and NOx in EEA member countries. The transport emissions data include all of road transport

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The contribution of the transport sector to total emissions of the main air pollutants in 2009 (EEA-32)

The graphs report the percentage contribution of transport and not transport sector to total emission of air pollutants in EEA32. Transport sector includes road transport, shipping, aviation and railways.

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Net emission reductions from MSW management in the EU (excluding Cyprus) plus Norway and Switzerland in 2008 and 2020 compared to 1995

The figure illustrates the net emission reduction achieved in the period 1995-2008 (in the first column) and the net GHG emission reductions in 2020 compared to 1995 for all three scenarios (in columns two, three and four). The net emission reduction is calculated as the difference between net emissions in 1995 and net emissions in 2008 or 2020, as appropriate.

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Net emissions (in kg CO2-eq) per treatment option for 1 tonne of kitchen and garden waste. Emissions cover only the waste management stage of the life cycle

This figure identifies the net emission in CO2 equivalents for the treatment of 1 tonne of kitchen and garden waste for each of the 5 treatment options: landfilling, incineration, composting, home composting and anaerobic digestion. The average EU treatment mix in 2008 is also included.

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Modelled GHG emissions from MSW management in the EU (excluding Cyprus) plus Norway and Switzerland - business-as-usual scenario

This figure identifies the net greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from the management of municipal solid waste (MSW) from 1990 to 2020. Emissions from the waste management are split into different treatment options (recycling, incineration, landfilling and transportation) and into direct and avoided emissions.

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Projected gaps between 2020 GHG emissions and national targets in the sectors not covered by the EU ETS

Based on preliminary estimates and calculations by EEA. Data may change in 2012 pending on the publication of 2012 GHG emission inventories and on further comments from Member States concerning ETS scope corrections. Progress calculated based on domestic emissions only, without accounting for possible use of flexibilities. Relative gaps estimated by dividing the difference between projected non‑ETS 2020 emissions and estimates of 2020 targets under the Effort Sharing Decision by EEA estimates of 2005 non‑ETS emissions (for a scope consistent with the 2013–2020 period, i.e. taking into account the changes in scope of the EU ETS, in particular installations opted out in 2005 and included in the ETS in 2008–2012, and the extension of the ETS scope from 2013 onwards).

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Non-ETS projections in the EU‑15 compared to different target scenarios

The average non‑ETS target corresponds to the average annual permissible in the sectors not covered by the EU ETS, calculated as the initial EU‑15 assigned amount minus the amount of allowances to be allocated under the EU ETS over the full commitment period. Permissible emissions can be calculated to take into account the use of carbon sinks and flexible mechanisms, which will increase the EU‑15 assigned amount. Excluding the overdelivery projected by Member States results in lowering permissible emissions.

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Difference between verified emissions and caps in all 30 countries participating in the EU ETS, 2008–2010

A positive sign indicates that verified emissions (2008, 2009, 2010 and 2008/2010 average) were higher than available allowances (i.e. the EU ETS helps the Member State to reach its Kyoto target). A negative sign indicates that verified emissions were lower than available allowances (i.e. the EU ETS does not help the Member State to reach its Kyoto target).

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Comparison of available emissions units and verified emissions for all 30 countries participating in the EU ETS

The 'change in scope/coverage' concerns the correction from 2005–2007 to 2008–2012. The large corrections for 2005 and 2006 are related to Bulgaria and Romania, which entered the scheme in 2007 only.

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