
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Projected change in the climatic suitability for Chikungunya transmission

The maps shows the risk for Chikungunya transmission in Europe generated by combining temperature requirements of the Chikungunya virus with the climatic suitability of the vector Aedes albopictus. Projections for different time-frames are based on projections by the regional climate model COSMO-CLM for two emission scenarios (A1B, a medium scenario and B1, a low scenario). The "current situation" refers to the 1960-1990 baseline climate.

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Associations between temperature and mortality in four European cities

Exposure-response associations between temperature and mortality in four European cities, together with related temperatures distributions. The shaded grey area delineates the 95 % empirical confidence interval. Solid grey vertical lines are minimum mortality temperatures and dashed grey vertical lines delineate the 2.5th and 97.5th percentile temperatures.

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Current and projected state and trend of fire danger

Forest fire danger is expressed by the average Seasonal Severity Rating index (derived from the Canadian Fire Weather Index System). Average 2071-2100 SSR levels are shown in the map. The SSR series was computed usign the GCM-RCM run KNMI-RACMO2-ECHAM5 of ENSEMBLES project.

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Projected changes in climatic suitability for broadleaf and needleleaf trees

The two panels indicate to what degree broadleaf (left panel) and needleleaf (right panel) tree species are expected to increase (blue) or decrease (brown) in numbers. The results represent species distribution modelling, using climate projections from six regional climate models using the A1B scenario of future emissions.

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Projected change in Bumblebee climatically suitable areas

The map shows the projected change in the climatic suitable area for the Bumblebee Bombus terrestris (the largest and one of the most numerous bumblebee species in Europe) under the combined climate-land use scenario SEDG (Sustainable European Development Goal, including SRES B1) and GRAS (including SRES A2).

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Projected change in seasonal streamflow for twelve rivers

This figure shows the projected change in seasonal streamflow (averaged over seven days) for twelve rivers.

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Projected change in river floods with a return period of 100 years

100-year daily peak flow (Q100). Relative change for the time slices 2006-2035, 2036-2065 and 2066–2095 compared to the ensemble mean of the baseline (1976–2005), based on an ensemble of EURO-CORDEX RCP8.5 scenarios. Data points with CV>1 are greyed out. (CV = coefficient of variation)

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Model-based estimate of past change in annual river flows

The pronounced dipole pattern found for the annual flow trends appears to reflect the wetting trend pattern of the winter period (ca. December to April) in the north and northwest and the widespread drying trend pattern from late winter to late summer (ca. February–August) in southern and parts of eastern Europe

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Distribution of oxygen-depleted 'dead zones' in European seas

Circles depict scientifically reported accounts of eutrophication-associated dead zones. The area covered by 'dead zones' is not presented, as such information is not generally available.

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Calanus ratio in the North Sea

Continuous Plankton Recorder data

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Development of oxygen depletion in the Baltic Sea over time

Spatial distribution of bottom hypoxia and anoxia in 1906 (left), 1955 (centre) and 2012 (right). Estimated bottom oxygen concentrations below 2 mg per litre are shown in red; black depicts the absence of oxygen. The spatial distribution represents means across all months.

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Trend in snow cover extent over the Northern Hemisphere and in Europe

This figure shows satellite-derived time series of snow cover extent for the period 1967–2015 over the Northern Hemisphere (left) and Europe (right). The time series for the Northern Hemisphere is extended back to 1922 by including reconstructed historical estimates.

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Cumulative specific net mass balance of European glaciers

The figure shows the cumulative specific net mass balance of selected European glaciers, i.e. the change in glacier mass since the first year of their assessment. The start of the time series varies between glaciers.

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Projected change in the volume of mountain glaciers and ice caps in European glaciated regions

The figure shows the projected volume for 2006–2100 of all mountain glaciers and ice caps in the European glaciated regions, derived using a mass balance model driven with temperature and precipitation scenarios from 14 GCMs, in Iceland, Svalbard, Scandinavia and central Europe (consisting of the European Alps and Pyrenees).

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