
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Key observed and projected climate change and impacts for the main regions in Europe

The figure summarises the current situation and provide projections for Europe. The impacts of climate change will affect cities and towns just like the rest of Europe. Because of the concentration of people and economic assets, cities are particularly at risk.

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Most people can be trusted one factor of many describing adaptive capacity

The map shows the perception of the cities’ population on their trust in other people living in the city.

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Cities committed to adaptation action in the Covenant of Mayors Climate and Energy

The map shows the European cities participating in the UNISDR initiative Makking cities resilient that have delivered a report on the 10 Essentials after the Hyogo Framework for Action.

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Cities committed to adaptation action in the Covenant of Mayors Climate and Energy

The map shows the cities that have signed the Mayors Adapt/Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.

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Participation of 650 European cities in European and global city initiatives related to adaptation

The map list the number of European and international initiatives with a relation to climate-change adaptation in which cities are envolved. These initiatives are Mayors Adapt/Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, the Compact of Mayors, C40 with adaptation action, Making Cities Resilient (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, UNISDR), the European Green Capital Award, European Green Leaf and Rockefeller 100 resilient cities initiative.

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National 2020 targets under the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD)and proposed targets for 2030

Each bar represents a percentage change in the greenhouse gas emissions covered under Decision 406/2009/EC (the Effort Sharing Decision, ESD) between the 2005 base-year level and 2020 or 2030.

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Projected population change in European countries, 2015 to 2100

The map shows the projected change in total population in the EEA and western Balkan countries, 2015 to 2100

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