
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Reportnet deliveries per year in totals

This data visualisation shows the number of released data envelopes via Reportnet (Eionet's data flow reporting system). It updates automatically by querying Content Registry.

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Marine LitterWatch - past and upcoming events

The map provides an overview on past and upcoming events in Europe. If you click on the dots in the map you will get more detailed information about the selected event. The legend can be turned off or on by clicking on "Legend" on the top left hand corner of the map.

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Projected change in summer soil moisture

Changes are presented as mean multi-model change between 1961-1990 and 2021-2050 using 12 Regional Climate Models (RCMs); with red indicating drier and blue indicating wetter conditions.

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Average statistics of new passenger cars by member state

registrations, average emissions and average mass of new passenger cars by member state

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Contributions emissions from main source sectors

Gg/year = 1 000 tonnes/year

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Contributions emissions from main source sectors

Gg/year = 1 000 tonnes/year

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Nationally designated areas (CDDA), site boundaries - status 2014

The map is intended to show the distribution of site boundaries reported for nationally designated areas

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What are the sources and impacts of marine litter?

Increasing amounts of litter are ending up in the world’s oceans and harming the health of ecosystems, killing animals and putting human health at risk. The solution lies in waste prevention and better waste management on land.

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How can we reduce and make better use of waste?

The best way to reduce the environmental impacts of waste is to prevent it in the first place. Many items that we throw away could also be re-used, and others can be recycled for raw materials.

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How much of our municipal waste do we recycle?

Much of the waste we throw away can be recycled. Recycling benefits the environment by diverting waste away from landfills and by providing raw materials for new products. Recycling can also encourage innovation and create jobs.

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Europe’s waste streams

In total, about 2500 million tonnes of waste was generated in the EU-28 and Norway in 2010. Here is an overview of where the waste came from and what it was composed of.

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