
Global search on data, maps and indicators

What are the sources of food waste in Europe?

Around one third of the food produced globally is lost or wasted. Food waste represents a substantial loss of other resources such as land, water, energy and labour.

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How does the food we buy, eat and don’t eat impact the environment?

Before reaching our plates, food needs to be produced, processed, packaged, transported and distributed. Every step uses up resources and generates more waste and pollution.

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How are the environment and our well-being and health connected?

Natural resources fuel our production and consumption, and create wealth and jobs, contributing to our quality of life and well-being. But our level of resource consumption is undermining our ecosystems’ capacity to provide for us in the future.

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How can we make our economy circular and resource efficient?

Currently, we are using more resources than our planet can produce in a given time. We need to reduce the amount of waste we generate and the amount of materials we extract.

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Main pathways of introduction of marine non-indigenous species in regional seas of Europe

This figure shows the relative importance (%) of the main pathways of introduction of non-indigenous species (NIS) across regional seas of Europe in 2014.

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