
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Urban and rural population in developed and less developed regions

The figure shows changes of urban vs. rural population shares, as observed from 1950 to 2010, and projected until 2050

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Projected changes in annual mean temperature (left) and annual precipitation (right)

Projected changes are for 2071-2100, compared to 1971-2000, based on the average of a multi-model ensemble forced with the RCP8.5 high emissions scenario. All changes marked with a colour (i.e. not white) are statistically significant. Individual models from the EURO-CORDEX ensemble or high-resolution models for smaller regions may show different results.

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Global total material use by resource type

The graph shows the development in global use of construction materials, ores & industrial minerals, fossil energy carriers, and biomass.

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Historic and projected GDP in the EU, the US, the BRIICS countries and other countries

The figure shows past (1996 to 2013) and projected (2014 to 2050) economic output (expressed as gross domenstic product, GDP) for selected world economies, given in billion 2005 USD PPP

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World premature deaths due to urban pollution from particulate matter and ground-level ozone

The figure shows the projected premature deaths due to particulate matter and ground-level ozone. The OECD’s forecasts are based on modelling and thus depend on a range of assumptions about current and future air pollution and its interaction with other determinants of health, including the potential gains from air and climate policies. The forecasts consider only urban population and include the projected ageing of populations in the coming decades. BRIICS countries: Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China, South Africa

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Structural breakdown of economic output in selected world regions

The graphs shows the contribution of service, industry and agriculture to aggregate economic output.

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Correlation of energy consumption and GDP per person

The graph shows per capita energy consumption (kg oil equivalent) vs. per capita GDP, PPP (current international $). The size of the bubbles denotes total poulation per country. All values refer to the year 2011.

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Percentage of global production of EC critical raw materials within a single country

The figure shows the 20 raw materials identified by the European Commision as being critical because risks of supply shortage and their impacts on the economy.

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Contribution of major economies to global GDP

The figure shows the countries and country groups share of global Global Domestic Product, GDP (in percentage)

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Urban trends by world regions

The figure shows the urban population [in millions] for the major word regions. In addition, the number of urban people living in cities with less than 750 000 inhabitants is shown.

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