
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Introduced freshwater species with an ecological effect

Countries included: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK.

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GHG emissions from transport increase

Figure includes all international transport.

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Species richness of reptiles in Europe

Note: The following countries are partially covered: Greece (islands along the Turkish coast), Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia

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Overall development 1990-2005 in the 32 EEA member countries of net annual increment in growing stock and annual fellings of forest available for wood supply

This graph shows the overall development of net annual increment in growing stock and annual fellings of forest available for wood supply in 1990-2005 in the 32 EEA member countries

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Length of transport infrastructure in the EU-15, 1990-2000

For conventional railways and inland waterways the time series start in 1991 due to a change in series in Germany between 1990 and 1991.

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Share of environmental taxes in total tax revenue in 1995 and 2006

1995 data is not available for Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia.

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Concentration of residents in European metropolitans (x-axis, in increasing order) versus transport characteristics

The European metropolitan cities are ordered on the x-xis by their population density expressed in inhabitants per built surface

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Water exploitation index (WEI) in the late 1990s

Solid bar: Water exploitation index without water abstraction for energy cooling; dotted bar: WEI based on total water abstraction.

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Share of combined heat and power in gross electricity production in 2006

The most recent available data are for 2006

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Urban population exposure: geographical variations

% of population exposed, year 2002 Blank histograms means no exposure

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