
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Chemical risk estimates for European water bodies

The map displays the fraction of sites where the maximum chemical concentration exceeds the acute risk threshold (left) and the mean chemical concentration exceeds the chronic risk threshold (right) for any organism group. The color code in the map shows the level of chemical risk, from low chemical risk (green) to high chemical risk (red).

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Metal pollution in the Weser catchment from mining areas in the Harz Mountains

Water bodies have been classified under the Water Framework Directive. Blue areas are water bodies at good chemical status. Red streams are failing to achieve good chemical status. Grey areas are not classified for chemical status. The river and floodplain sediments have been contaminated with the waste and mine water over centuries. In the floodplains high lead and cadmium concentrations affect the agriculture at pasture and arable land along the river floodplains.

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Sea ice coverage

Sea ice coverage

27 Feb 2019

Ecosystem type map: Marine part - Sea ice coverage

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Ecosystem type map (all classes)

Ecosystem type map V2.1 - all classes - (EUNIS Level 2) derived from CORINE Land Cover and additional spatial explicite european datasets according to defined rule set. The rule set builds on the crosswalk between EUNIS nomenclature and CORINE Land Cover nomenclature. The multiple assignements are resolved using additional data like Art. 17 reporting data on habitat types, soil data, HANTS phenological data, potential natural vegetation, elevation zones, etc.

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Ecosystem map sea beds

Ecosystem type map: Marine part - Substrata

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Ecosystem types of Europe

The dataset combines the Copernicus land service portfolio and marine bathymetry and seabed information with the non-spatial EUNIS habitat classification for a better biological characterization of ecosystems across Europe. As such it represents probabilities of EUNIS habitat presence for each MAES ecosystem type.

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Spatial distribution of exposure to four air pollutants across Europe, 2013-2014

The maps use a colour gradient to show the population-weighted average PM2.5 (top left), PM10 (top right), NO2 (bottom left) and O3 (bottom right) concentrations (µg/m3) by NUTS 3 region, for the years 2013 and 2014. The colour scale varies from dark green representing low values, purple representing high values.

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Number of days with maximum temperature above 35 °C per year mapped against proportion of people with higher education, 2013-2014

The map uses a colour gradient to show the percentage of working age population with higher education per NUTS2 region, classified in quantiles, against the highest exposure to high temperatures (top 20 % of number of days with maximum temperature exceeding 35 °C) represented as hatched areas.

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Proportion of the population exposed to average day-evening-night road noise levels (Lden) ≥ 55dB, 2011

This map shows the proportion of the population per country exposed to road traffic noise at or above 55 dB Lden (average day-evening-night noise levels).

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Spatial distribution of extreme temperature indicators across Europe

The maps use a colour gradient to show the number of hot summer days (Tmax > 35 °C) per year (1987-2016 average, top left), the number of combined summer days (Tmax > 30 °C) and tropical nights (Tmax > 20 °C) per year (1987-2016 average, top right), the cooling degree days per year (1990-2015 average, bottom left) and the heating degree days per year (1990-2015 average, bottom right).

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Exposure to ozone SOMO35 mapped against long-term unemployment, 2013-2014

The map uses a colour gradient to show the long-term unemployment rate per NUTS2 region, classified in quantiles, against the highest exposure to O3 pollution represented as hatched areas (only the regions in the top 20 % of O3 exposure are shown as hatched).

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Percentage of children under 5 years old in the population, 2013-2014

The map uses a colour gradient to show the percentage of young children in the population

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