
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Oil spills above 7 tonnes per spill

The mass of oil spilt is approximate, as some of the records do not contain the exact amount of oil spilt.

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Emissions of ozone precursors, EU15

The targets for 2010 are the Gothenburg Protocol target (December 1999) and the more recent National Emission Ceilings Directive (NECD) Common Position targets (June 2000) for non-methane volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides

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Industrial growth vs. emissions in selected EECCA and SEE countries (1991-2005)

GHG energy includes 'emissions from fuels combusted by fuel extraction or energy producing industries'

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Halting the loss of biodiversity by 2010

Managing Europe's ecosystems and wild species

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Atmospheric Kyoto greenhouse gas concentration (in CO2-equivalents) between 1990 and 2100

Baseline (blue line), EEA climate action scenario (green line), compared with four IPCC (SRES) scenario's (described in IPCC's Special Report on Emissions Scenario's, 2000) (grey lines).

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Threatened butterflies according to broad habitat types in European countries

The assessment covers all known butterfly species in all Europe, including Madeira, the Azores, the Canary Islands, Cyprus, the whole of Turkey and Russia east to the Urals (no information was received from the Caucasian Republics).

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Emissions of ozone precursors (EU-15)

NEC Directive targets are applied on LRTAP Convention data.

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Total ammonium concentrations in different sized European rivers

Median of measured annual average concentrations.

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