
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Management of packaging waste in the EU-27, 2010-2020

The figure shows the development of packaging waste management in the EU-27 in the period 2010-2020, divided in three categories: recycling, energy recovery and other recovery, and other treatment (incl. landfill). The 'other' category is the difference between generated packaging waste and recovery. No further information is available about the treatment of non-recovered packaging waste.

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Management of municipal waste in the EU-27, 2010-2020

The figure shows the development of municipal waste management in the EU-27 in the period 2010-2020, divided in four categories: recycling (material recycling and composting/digestion), incineration (energy recovery and incineration without energy recovery), and landfill. The 'other' category is the difference between generated municipal waste and treated municipal waste. It covers for losses during treatment (e.g. water loss during mechanical-biological treatment) and storage.

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Recycling targets for municipal waste and packaging waste for 2025, 2030 and 2035, in percentage of generated waste

The figure shows the targets for the recycling of municipal waste and packaging waste (total and by material) and the target years as defined in the EU Waste Framework Directive and the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive.

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Coverage of the population with high convenience collection systems in EU Member States by waste stream in municipal waste, and average share of each material in municipal waste

The left figure shows how many EU Member States have a high/medium/low share of their population covered by high convenience separate collection systems, for the following material types included in municipal waste: bio-waste, paper and cardboard, plastics, wood, glass, metals, textiles and Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). The right figure shows the share of each of these material types in the municipal waste.

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Overview of taxes on the incineration of municipal waste used in EU Member States, 2023

On the x-axis the tax levels in EUR per tonne of waste incinerated are given, the dots in the graph represent the incineration tax for the specific Member State (MS). Some Member States use a minimum and maximum tax which is represented by two dots (lower and higher level) connected by a line. Further details are given the the Technical Note accompanying the briefing. EU average is calculated as a simple average of the tax level used by the MS, and for the MS using a minimum and a maximum, both the lower and uper level of the tax are taken into account, resulting in an average lower tax level and an average higher tax level.

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Overview of landfill taxes on municipal waste used in EU Member States, 2023

On the x-axis the tax levels in EUR per tonne of waste lanfilled are given, the dots in the graph represent the landfill tax for the specific Member State (MS). Some Member States use a minimum and maximum tax which is represented by two dots (lower and higher level) connected by a line. Further details are given in the Technical Note accompanying the briefing. EU average is calculated as a simple average of the tax level used by the MS, and for the MS using a minimum and a maximum, both the lower and uper level of the tax are taken into account, resulting in an average lower tax level and an average higher tax level.

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Prevalence of teleworking pre-pandemic and preference for working from home in spring 2021, EU-27 (%)

The figure compiles two significant survey results: the prevalence of teleworking in the EU in 2019 before the start of the Covid pandemic, and the preference for working from home after two years of pandemic period in spring 2021.

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Green bond issuance as a percentage of total bond issuance by all issuers and each type of bond issuer in the EU, 2014-2022

The figure shows the share of green bonds to total bonds issued in the EU and the share of green bonds of total bonds issued in the EU per issuer, such as corporates, governments, supranationals and subnationals.

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Environmental pressures of household consumption, EU-27, Norway, Switzerland and Türkiye, 2000-2020, value added at current prices indexed (2000=100)

The chart shows selected environmental and climate pressures related to EU household consumption for the period from 2000 to 2020. The data is indexed (2000=100) to allow a focus on the trend.

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Projected change in meteorological drought frequency between the periods 1981-2010 and 2041-2070 under two climate change scenarios

Left map: Scenario RCP4.5 (Representative Concentration Pathway). Right map: Scenario RCP8.5 (Representative Concentration Pathway).The line pattern represents the areas in which at least two-third of the simulations used agree on the sign of the change.

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Observed annual mean temperature change from 1960 to 2019 (left panel) and projected change under different emissions scenarios (right panels) in Europe

Left panel: boxes outlined in black indicate areas with at least three stations, so are more likely to be representative; areas with significant long-term trends are indicated by black dots. Right panel: projected changes in near-surface air temperature by the period 2071-2100, compared with 1971-2000 for RCP4.5 (Representative Concentration Pathway) and 8.5 emissions scenarios; simulations are based on the multi-model ensemble average of simulations of the EURO-CORDEX initiative.

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Simulated depletion of groundwater (in mm per year) between 1990-2018

Colours assigned to different level of groundwater depletion

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Trends in annual (left) and summer (right) precipitation across Europe between 1960 and 2015

Grid boxes outlined in solid black contain at least three stations and so are likely to be more representative of the grid box. Significant (at the 5 % level) long-term trend is shown by a black dot (In the map above, this is the case for all grid boxes). The map below shows average annual air temperatures over Iberian Peninsula and Scandinavia, respectively.

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Bathing water quality in Europe in the 2022 season (EU countries, Albania, and Switzerland)

The figure shows the share of bathing water quality classes by country for the season of 2022.

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Coastal and inland bathing water quality in EU between 2009 and 2022

The figure shows the share of bathing water quality classes by year.

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Prospects for EU Member States of meeting the recycling targets for municipal waste and packaging waste

The map shows for each of the 27 EU member states the risk of not meeting the target to prepare for reuse or recycle at least 55% of municipal waste in 2025 and the risk of not meeting the target to recycle at least 65% of packaging waste in 2025.

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