
Global search on data, maps and indicators

EU emissions and removals of the LULUCF sector by main land use category

The figure shows the historic trend of emissions and removals of the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector by main land use category. The figure also shows projections for the LULUCF sector.

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Progress towards achieving climate targets in the EU-27

This figure shows the historical and future trends in net greenhouse gas emissions (including international aviation) for the EU-27, alongside key targets for 2020, 2030 and 2050.

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Key affected sectors reported in 2023

Overview of the key affected sectors reported per country

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EU Member States’ material footprints in 2010 and 2022

The graph shows the material footprint level for the EU Member States, meaning the sum of materials needed to produce the goods demanded by EU citizens.

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Share of bus and trains in total inland passenger transport activity in the EU-27

The figure shows the share of bus and trains in total inland passenger transport activity in the EU-27.

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Percentage point variation in the share of bus and trains (collective modes) in total inland passenger transport activity by country

The figure shows the percentage point variation in the share of bus and trains (collective modes) in total inland passenger transport activity by country.

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Annual economic losses caused by weather - and climate - related extreme events in the EU Member States

In this indicator, events are grouped according to the available information in CATDAT. Meteorological events: storms (including lightning and hail) and mass movements. Hydrological events: floods. Climatological events: heatwaves, cold waves, droughts, forest fires. Total economic losses, in EUR billion (2022 prices), are based on recorded estimates from CATDAT provided by RiskLayer (dataset url is not available) and Eurostat structural indicators.

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Share of total utilised agricultural area used for organic farming by country and in the EU-27, in 2012 and 2021

The figure shows the share of Organic farming area in 2012 and in 2021 in the countries and in the EU, based on EUROSTAT data.

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Share of the utilised agricultural area used for organic farming in the EU-27 over the period 2012-2021

Organic farming in the EU has been continuously increasing since 2012 and reached an estimated 9.9% of the utilised agricultural area (UAA) in 2021.

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Forest fragmentation in the EU Member States

This figure shows the average forest fragmentation index for each Member State in 2018. Fragmentation is calculated as the share of forested land not covered by forest or small woody features in a local neighborhood of 10 hectares surrounding the focal 100 m² forest grid cell.

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EU and global consumption of controlled ozone-depleting substances

The figure shows the consumption in Ozone-Depleting Potential (ODP) tonnes from 1986 to 2021

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EU consumption of controlled ozone-depleting substances

The figure shows the consumption in metric tonnes and in Ozone-Depleting Potential (ODP) tonnes from 2006 to 2022.

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Number of times the planetary boundary is transgressed in the EU, in 2010 and 2021

The figure shows how many times the planetary boundaries are transgressed for each of the impact categories of the EU consumption footprint.

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EU consumption footprint, in a single indexed score (2010=100), broken down into the most significant contributing impact categories of the Environmental Footprint (EF) method, from 2010 to 2021

The figure shows the weighted impacts from the entire EU consumption over time, indexed to 2010. The EU consumption footprint is shown as a single indexed score (2010=100) and is broken down according to the impact categories of the Environmental Footprint (EF) method that make the most significant contribution to the consumption footprint - ‘climate change’, ‘resource use, fossil’ and ‘particulate matter’ - and other EF impact categories.

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