
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Water stress indicator WEI for annual average on river basin level for the a) baseline, b) 2050 under the 'economy comes first' scenario, and c) compared with urban population numbers

Annual average water stress indicator WEI on river basin level for baseline and 2050 period with SCENES scenario Economy First (EcF)

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Precipitation deficit in summer (JJA) and winter (DJF) for the periods 2021–2040, 2041–2060 and 2061–2080

Precipitation deficit in summer (JJA) and winter (DJF) for the periods in the future 2021-2040, 2041-2060 and 2061-2080.

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Potential inundation exposure for coastal cities due to projected sea level rise and storm surge events

The map shows the proportion of the city area (UMZ inside the core city) that would be affected by potential inundation caused by a sea level rise of 1m.

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Degree of mean soil sealing per city — share of cities per class per country

The diagram shows the proportion of cities per country that falls in a particular class regarding the degree of average soil sealing.

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Urban flooding — impervious surfaces reduce the drainage of rain water and increase the risk for urban flooding

The map shows the average soil sealing degree inside the UMZ of European core cities (core city defined in Urban Atlas / Urban Audit). Soil sealing degrees are represented in coloured dots. The city dots are overlaid onto a modelled map displaying the change in annual number of days with heavy rainfall between the reference periods 1961-1990 and 2071-2100.

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Percentage of the urban area that would be flooded — share of cities per class per country

The diagram shows the proportion of cities per country that fall in a particular class regarding the percentage of potentially flooded area.

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Percentage of the city that would be flooded in case rivers rise one metre

Percentage of the city that would be flooded in case water in rivers rises 1 m (only cities > 100 000 hab). The city is defined by its biophysical delineation (Urban Morphological Zone) inside the core city boundaries (Urban Audit). The background shows the relative change in 100-year return level of river discharge. Neither coastal floods nor flood protection measures are considered in the calculations.

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Percentage of population aged ≥ 65 — share of cities per class per country

The diagram shows the proportion of cities per country that fall in a particular class regarding the share of citizens which are older than 64 years.

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Urban climate analysis map for the city of Arnhem, the Netherlands

The map shows different climate classifications of the areas in the city of Arnheim

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Percentage of green and blue urban areas — share of cities per class per country

The diagram shows the proportion of cities per country that falls in a particular class regarding the share of green and blue urban areas.

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Heat waves — both a low share of green and blue urban areas and high population densities can contribute to the urban heat island effect in cities

The cities are displayed as dots of different colours and sizes. The colours represent the share of green and blue urban areas inside the Urban Morphological Zone of the city, the size of the dots reflects the population density within the core cities’ UMZ. The background map is the result of climatic modelling and represents the number of combined tropical nights (T>20°C) and hot days (T>35°C) for the period 2071 to 2100.

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Increase in the number of combined tropical nights (minimum temperature exceeding 20 °C) and hot days (maximum temperature exceeding 35 °C) under present and future climate conditions

The map is the result of climatic modelling and represents the number of combined tropical nights (T>20°C) and hot days (T>35°C) for the period 2071 to 2100

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European regions clustered according to projected climate changes

The map presents 5 European regions clustered according to projected climate changes

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Changes (%) in energy related emissions of primary PM10 and PM2.5 by source category, 2005-2009, EEA-32

‘Energy combustion’ includes all energy-related emissions minus fugitives the graph shows the emissions of PM10 and PM2.5 (particulate matter with a diameter of 10 μm or less, emitted directly into the atmosphere)

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Structure of CO2 emissions from thermal power plants in EU-27, 2009

How to read the figures: Left-top: % Share of fuel input (TJ) by type (liquid, solid, gaseous, biomass and other fuels) into 1A1a public electricity and heat production. Left-bottom: Implied emission factor for each fuel above (tCO2 / TJ), taken from EEA (2009) Right-top: Average efficiency of transformation in EU-27. Numerator = 101109 Output from district heating plants + 101121 Output from public thermal power stations Denominator = 101009 Input to district heating plants + 101021 Input to public thermal power stations Right-bottom: % Share of CO2 emissions by fuel type (liquid, solid, gaseous, biomass and other fuels into 1A1a public electricity and heat production)

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CO2 emission savings per year for EU–27 at different transformation efficiencies compared to current 2009 efficiency

CO2 emission savings per year for EU-27 at different transformation efficiencies compared to current 2009 efficiency

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Contribution of different sectors (energy and non-energy) to total emissions of PM10 and PM2.5, 2009, EEA-32

The graph includes the combined emissions of primary PM10 particles (particulate matter with a diameter of 10 μm or less, emitted directly into the atmosphere).

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