Key messages: Urban areas contribute to environmental pollution which disproportionately affects socially-deprived neighbourhoods and the health of their residents. Overarching concepts such as triple urban inner development, which integrates green spaces, mobility and inner urban development, tap into synergies and co-benefits of urban development and zero pollution. Transforming cities in view of the zero-pollution ambition (ZPA) requires integrating the Zero Pollution Action Plan 2030 with initiatives such as the WHO Healthy Cities Network or the Urban Agenda for the EU.

Other relevant indicators and signals

References and footnotes

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  7. Schüle, S. A., et al., 2019, ‘Social Inequalities in Environmental Resources of Green and Blue Spaces: A Review of Evidence in the WHO European Region’, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (1216), pp. 1-15.
  8. Diener, A. and Mudu, P., 2021, ‘How can vegetation protect us from air pollution? A critical review on green spaces' mitigation abilities for air-borne particles from a public health perspective — with implications for urban planning’, Science of the Total Environment, 796, pp. 148605.
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